
A lightweight Android library for creating step by step wizards

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WizarDroid logoWizarDroid is a lightweight Open Source Android library developed by Nimrod Dayan (CodePond.org) that addresses a feature that Android is surprisingly missing, Wizards. Take a 5 minutes tutorial and learn how easy it is to implement a simple wizard with built-in layout and functionality! Try out the Demo App on Google Play!

Usage Advantages

  • Built-in basic wizard layout with paging and slide animation
  • Wizard context for persisting data in the wizard
  • Compatible with other libraries such as ActionBarSherlock
  • Support for nested fragments
  • Wizard's flow is defined in one place and can be maintained easily
  • Simple API for controlling wizard's flow in runtime

Technical Overview

WizarDroid is built on top of Android's ViewPager and is compatible with Android API 9+ using Android Support Library. Learn more.


You may use WizarDroid under the terms of MIT License.